Table of Contents

Official X2Go Packages in GNU/Linux Distributions

Debian GNU/Linux

Official packages for Debian:

Newer / more packages for Debian provided by X2Go upstream:

Ubuntu GNU/Linux

Official packages:

Newer client versions and X2Go Server + Add-Ons are available in X2Go upstream's PPA(s) on Launchpad. The team creating and updating packages for Ubuntu and its derivates is found here:

Here's an overview of the current PPAs for Ubuntu and derivates - this list is also found on the teams Launchpad page.

Follow the instructions given on the different PPA pages on how to add the PPA of choice to your system.


Official packages for Raspbian (Debian Wheezy for the Raspberry pi):

Newer / more packages for Debian provided by X2Go upstream:



RedHat Enterprise Linux / CentOS


There are official Fedora RPMs for X2Go Client, X2Go Server, and the PyHoca Clients in Fedora since Fedora 19.

There are also two other sources of X2Go packages for Fedora:


We have heard of X2Go being installable on these other distributions… We would be happy to receive more information from the distro package maintainers of X2Go, so that we can list what is available and what not here in more detail.