2025-[11|12]-xx to 2025-[11|12]-xx X2Go: The Spread 2025
2025-11-xx IT-Kongress, Neu-Ulm, Germany
2025-[09|10]-xx LinuxDay.AT, Dornbirn, Austria
check/reprint handouts
needs smaller (shorter) posters than CLT - maybe ask for dimensions in advance and get a custom landscape-oriented print/plot (similar to TUEBIX 2023)? “max-width: 150cm”
needs LTE2ETH hotspot as fallback
tarp might be helpful for unloading/loading vehicle (rain protection)
2025-09-18 to 2025-09-20 KieLux, Kiel, Germany
2025-07-05 TUEBIX 2025, Tübingen, Germany (no CfP yet)